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RYW 389 – How to Prevent my Business from Closing

Join Mark and Mat as they discuss options on how to keep your business from failing during the Pandemic. In fact, no matter what crisis you may be facing, learn about ways to create revenue, cut costs, manage difficult situations and stay in business. More information at

RYW 388 – Round 2 of Stimulus Act: What are my options?

ALERT- READ FIRST! Update to Video content from New Bill: The (ERTC) Employee Retention Tax Credit now does not apply to the business owner and family members. This is terrible! So please note in the video that Mat and I discuss the option for business owners to use the ERTC and avoid the PPP if […]

RYW 384 – Getting loan forgiveness with the new Stimulus SBA Loans

Hey everyone! welcome to another week of Refresh Your Wealth with Mark Kohler and Mat Sorensen. This week we are diving into the SBA Loans under the new Stimulus package and CARES Act. Learn which loan or loans are best for you, how to apply and most importantly how to potentially obtain loan forgiveness. Hopefully, we […]